February 29, 2012

Butterflies and Moths - 26

Photograph by: dedeyunus gürsoy

Photograph by: Giangol
Vanessa cardui
Iphiclides podalirius
Vanessa cardui

Photograph by: Ria Maat
Butterfly - Distelvlinder 'Cynthia cardui'
Geaderd witje 'Pieris napi' + Duizendknoop 'Persicaria amplexicaulus Speciose'

Photograph by: T.Haveman
St Jacobs-Vlinder
Groot Dikkopje
Icarus Blauwtje

Grasshopper - 05

Photograph by:  Magda O.
"Filip" w piernatach :) - A grasshopper in bedding

Photograph by: michael habla

Photograph by: Брат Меда
Zeleni skakavac

Photograph by: Olivier Hauguel
Perdu ?

Photograph by: drmam
Sav taj svet (All that World)

Photograph by: Vadim Shamdan
Кузнец Вакула

Photograph by: Vassilis L.
Μοναχικό πλάσμα - Lonely being

Photograph by: Hanstk
Bug in my garden

Photograph by: freelancertraveler

Flowers and Bees - 17

Photograph by: M.Anna
Opsilia molybdaena

Photograph by: DADU.ALIN

Photograph by: Trevor Thornton
My summer bee

Photograph by: Maria 2002
November...and the winter is still at his home...

Photograph by: javierseg

Photograph by: ZaMKADovets
Покатушки - Evacuator

Photograph by: Giangol
Fotografie di Gianluca D. (Giangol)
Fotografie di Gianluca D. (Giangol)

Flowers (mixed) - 73

Photograph by: Ria Maat
Gaillardia - Kokardebloem
Cichorium intybus - Wilde cichorei
Blue Cornflower - Blauwe Korenbloem
Blackberry  Blossom - Braambloesem
Papaver rhoeas
Pink Hollyhock - Roze Stokroos
Tragopogon pratensis - Gele morgenster
Campanula Medium - Mariëtteklokje
Sempervivum arachnoideum, Spinraghuislook (Naam met dank aan Greetje)
Pumpkin Flower - Pompoen Bloem

Butterflies and Moths - 27

Photograph by: Wind River Photograp…
Posing on a Posie

Photograph by: ZaMKADovets
Дневной сбор - Сollecting nectar

Photograph by: Kristel D.
Kleine vos en zijn schaduw

Photograph Photograph by: Giangol
Hexapoda Lepidoptera Notodontidae Cerura
Licaena dispar

Photograph by: Cristian STATESCU
Macro 2

Photograph by: BeckyPatlan
Cardinal Flower
Butterfly Weed
Tickseed Sunflower
Dinner Time